Hello world!
I’m glad you decided to join me on this journey of life. I always feel better when someone else comes along. Each day I get up and wonder what will happen today. No two days are ever the same, and most days I’m ok with that. When daily circumstances are constantly changing, we have to make a change from the course or path we are on. In aviation this course change is called a vector. Sometimes those vectors are welcomed, i.e. to move out of the path of bad weather, at other times they are not, i.e. major life changes. Regardless of whether they are welcomed or not, this course change has to be made, and we have to deal with the consequences. It’s a never ending adventure, and I’m adding a new course change to my life with this blog/website. I’m not sure where Vector Left will take us, but it will be an interesting journey to find out. If you’ve known me for a while, you may see some things I’ve posted before. And who knows, I may even get creative! Feel free to add your opinions, thoughts and suggestions. I don’t expect us to always agree, and I love a good rant, but please keep your comments polite. I will reserve the right to remove them if I think they are too offensive. And please remember that my opinions are just that, my opinions, it doesn’t mean they are right or wrong, just an expression of what I’m thinking at the moment. Here’s to seeing where this Vector Left ends up! See you soon!